Recovery Survival Network

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  Recovery Survival Network has been Chosen to Participate in National Product Donation Program Provided by The Home Depot Foundation and Managed by Gifts In Kind International

Recovery Survival Network offers assistance in the following areas:

  • Introduction Computer. (Computer training is unavailable until further notice).

  • Job Readiness Program.

  • Job Placement.

  • Job Retention Program.

  • Individual peer-to-peer, group & family support.

  • Intensive case management.

  • Certificates of completion.

  • Aftercare support group services.

  • Earn while you learn program. (When available).

  • Some assistance with legal matters.

  • Surety bonding when possible.

  • Resume preparation and updates.

  • G.E.D. equivalency assistance.

  • Housing referrals.

  • 1-year retention program.



Who gets Help?
People reentering the community from the criminal justice system, people who have little or no job skills or work experience. Heads of households and family members that are victims of domestic violence and at-risk-youth. We focus our services on the needy and  people suffer from substance abuse and mental health issue that are receiving welfare or general assistance. The Target group is EX-Offenders, CalWORKs, PAES, Non Custodial Parents and Veteran populations' transitioning from Welfare-to-Work.
How is my donation used?
We use donated office equipment to run the program, or help other community service organizations with equipment we can't use. Clothing, home furnishings and personal hygiene items are used to help program participant's transition from welfare-to-work more smoothly.
Cash, cars, real or personal property is used to help cover the costs to operate the program. Our current accounting audit for the United Way certification is rated at 98.5% of every dollar donated to RSN has been used to operate the program. Our annual report is available for inspection upon request.
Recovery Survival Network
With your help we can make a big difference. There is no be all, end all, solution to these problems. It will continue to take many small contributions from various nonprofit, private and governmental agencies to combat this problem. Your tax deductible contributions does and will help move someone who is currently without a job, living in a transitional housing arrangement, that is being funded by your tax dollars, to a full time unsubsidized job and a roof over their heads. Please help us to help those, who want to help themselves. This is the greatest nation on earth, so let's all lend a hand to rebuild the family values system that makes us the great nation we are.
No gift is too large or small. We are able to except cars, trucks, vans, recreational vehicles, real estate, furniture, appliances and household items, personal items and clothing, office equipment and supplies, gift certificates, and cash/checks/Paypal. Please contact us if you think you have something you would like to donate that you think we could use, if we are not able to use it we will assist you in finding someone that can!

Thank You For Your Support!
Fed tax ID #94-3269300
United Way Donor code #94161



Recovery Survival Network
Phone: (415) 552-1111
Fax: (415) 552-8444
Toll free: 1 (888) USE-NONE or 1 (888) 873-6663

Please click the button below to make a donation to RSN using your Paypal account or credit/debit card.

Provide stability and hope. Your tax-deductible donation to the 'ONE NIGHT AT A TIME' fundraiser helps individuals transition from homelessness to housing. DONATE NOW!

Office Address:
3012 16th St. Suite #201
San Francisco, CA 94103-5933

Mailing Address:
PO Box 281344
S.F., CA. 94128-1344

© Copyright 2001-2025 Recovery Survival Network

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